Domestic Business Filing
Filing Fee
Secretary of State: $200.00
Business Filing Procedures
Your corporate name must include the word "Corporation" or "Incorporated" or an abbreviation of one of these words ("Inc." or "Corp."). You are required to obtain a Certificate of Name Reservation prior to filing your formation documents. (Name Reservation for Domestic Entities)
File the original and one copy of the Domestic Business Corporation Certificate of Formation and the Certificate of Name Reservation with the Alabama Secretary of State.
Domestic Nonprofit Filing
Filing Fee
Secretary of State: $200.00
Nonprofit Filing Procedures
You are required to obtain a Certificate of Name Reservation prior to filling your formation documents. (Name Reservation for Domestic Entities) Your corporate name is not required to include the word "Corporation" or "Incorporated" or an abbreviation of one of these words.
File the original and one copy of the Domestic Nonprofit Corporation Certificate of Formation and the Certificate of Name Reservation with the Secretary of State.